ProGea Consulting company offers services in the field of Photogrammetry. We make the following 3D photogrammetric services on Dephos software:
- Stereo digitalization of aerial photos – acquisition of three-dimensional vector data (roads, buildings, rivers, terrain breaklines) from stereoscopic model, created from aerial photographs in the coverage area. The acquired data are stored on different thematic layers with the ability to export to other software;
- 3D aerial photointerpretation – the possibility of stereo mode allows to receive information about the height of the objects, which is useful for photointerpretation of forests. The interpretation of the images can be additionally supported by thematic maps (relief, soil map, map of real vegetation);
- Orthorectification orthophotomaps – orthorectification in Dephos software is created using photogrammetric project containing the orientation parameters of the images, and the data from DTM (Digital Terrain Model);
- Generate contours, GRID and TIN – contouring Tools of the photogrammetric software Dephos is used to interpolate terrain surface with contourlines or surfaces consisting of triangles or GRID points;
- Editing vector data – Mapper 3D application has a variety of tools for editing existing 3D vector data;
- Photogrammetric processing of aerial and ground photos – project management photogrammetric orientation of images: internal and external orientation;
- Generetion and Editing Digital Surface Model (DTM) – creation DTM both automatically and manually, possibility of visualization and calculations on the model;
- Supervising of the contents existing maps;
- Updating of cadastral maps;
- Detection of illegal constructions.