“GEOBIA – Advanced Methods of Object Analysis of Geodata” – Trainings finished
4th to 6th of December 2013 in ProGea Consulting headquarters took place the environmental trainings entitled “”GEOBIA in a nutshell” and “GEOBIA – Advanced Methods of Object Analysis of Geaodata in Environmental Projects”. During the seminars were presented various classification views in object analysis of satelite and aerial images and LiDAR data in commercial software eCognition Developer 8.9 (Trimble Geospatial). During “GEOBIA in a nutshell” the participants have knew the bases of remote sensing, photogrammetry and gained basic informations about object classification. They have learned how to make the classification works by themselves. In “GEOBIA – Advanced Methods of Object Analysis of Geaodata in Environmental Projects” members increased their theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge associated with data object analysis. There was presented and discussed the view for local analysis with use of basic conditions and binding syntax in CNL (Condition Network Language), available in eCognition (Trimble Geospatial), necessary to GEOBIA advanced analysis.
In the trainings took place 10 persons, both from commercial bussinesses like Geosystems, and research boards, for example University of Agriculture in Cracow, University of Pedagogy in Cracow, Insitute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics of Univerity of Nature in Wrocław, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Insitute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty The Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture in Kielce.